Petar Peric


Unlocking Success: The Magic of Agile Software Development

The way we create software for our customers has undergone a remarkable transformation. Traditional methods that took a long time are being replaced by something called […]

How to Effectively Communicate Technical Issues to Non-technical Stakeholders

Communicating technical issues to non-technical stakeholders can be challenging, but crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page. As technology continues to evolve, it […]

Remote Work Is Here To Stay And Will Increase This Year

In recent years, remote work has experienced a significant surge in popularity and acceptance. Based on the search results, it is evident that remote work is […]

Unlocking Customer Satisfaction: The 7 Cs of Customer Service!

Delivering exceptional customer service is the key to building long-lasting relationships and driving business success. Today, let’s dive into the 7 Cs of Customer Service, principles […]

Unlock the Power of IT Services Partnership: Overcoming Time-to-Market Challenges!

Today, a crucial issue that is hindering companies’ speed to market and stifling their growth potential is the scarcity of skilled programmers. Need: companies are racing […]

Stimuleer innovatie met IT-nearshoring

Is de software van uw bedrijf echt een drijvende kracht achter innovatie, of vormt het juist een obstakel voor uw succes? Software kan het succes van […]

Slimme oplossingen, effectieve strategieën voor personeelstekort en kostenbeheersing in de ICT-sector

De ICT-sector staat voor grote uitdagingen, waaronder het tekort aan gekwalificeerd personeel en toenemende kosten. In deze blog delen we vijf slimme oplossingen om deze problemen […]

Working from different location, home or nearshore?

After everything what happened in recent months, it is more than obvious that hiring people outside of your own city / country is a good way […]