Petar Peric


Writing Effective Requirements: Tips and Best Practices

In the world of software development and project management, clear and well-structured requirements are the bedrock of success. They serve as a blueprint for the entire […]

The Importance of Good Requirements: Key to Successful Projects

Introduction In the world of software development and project management, the significance of having well-defined and accurate requirements cannot be overstated. Requirements are the foundation upon […]

Seizing the Talent War: Act Now for 2024 Growth

As we move forward into the final quarter of 2023, the technology sector is showing clear signs of recovery, rekindling the optimism for the coming year. […]

Unlocking Success: The Magic of Agile Software Development

The way we create software for our customers has undergone a remarkable transformation. Traditional methods that took a long time are being replaced by something called […]

How to Effectively Communicate Technical Issues to Non-technical Stakeholders

Communicating technical issues to non-technical stakeholders can be challenging, but crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page. As technology continues to evolve, it […]

Remote Work Is Here To Stay And Will Increase This Year

In recent years, remote work has experienced a significant surge in popularity and acceptance. Based on the search results, it is evident that remote work is […]

Unlocking Customer Satisfaction: The 7 Cs of Customer Service!

Delivering exceptional customer service is the key to building long-lasting relationships and driving business success. Today, let’s dive into the 7 Cs of Customer Service, principles […]

Unlock the Power of IT Services Partnership: Overcoming Time-to-Market Challenges!

Today, a crucial issue that is hindering companies’ speed to market and stifling their growth potential is the scarcity of skilled programmers. Need: companies are racing […]

Stimuleer innovatie met IT-nearshoring

Is de software van uw bedrijf echt een drijvende kracht achter innovatie, of vormt het juist een obstakel voor uw succes? Software kan het succes van […]