Petar Peric


Start Strong, Scale Swiftly: ApisTech’s Tailored Software Development Solutions for Startups

In the dynamic world of startups, success hinges on the ability to rapidly transform innovative ideas into robust, scalable software solutions. However, navigating the complexities of […]

The Benefits of IT Services for Financial Services Providers

In the rapidly evolving world of financial services, the use of advanced IT services has become essential for maintaining a competitive edge and providing seamless and […]

How ApisTech Adds Value to Start-ups in Their Product Launches through Strategic Partnerships

Launching a new product is an exhilarating yet daunting task for any start-up. You have an innovative idea, a strong founding team, and seed funding secured. […]

Nearshore Development Paving the Way for Sustainable Tech

In today’s world, the buzzwords “sustainable,” “green,” and “eco-friendly” dominate conversations. But let’s go beyond the buzz and delve into real innovation and eco-consciousness. It’s time […]

Exploring Cultural Considerations in Nearshore Collaboration: Bridging the Gap with Serbia 🇷🇸

When it comes to nearshore collaboration, understanding and embracing cultural nuances can make all the difference in fostering successful partnerships. Today, let’s shine a spotlight on […]

The Story Behind Our Name: How “ApisTech” Incorporates Our Vision and Values

Naming a company requires deep reflection on your fundamental identity, ethos, and aspirations as an organization. At ApisTech, our name represents the fusion of two integral […]

Budgeting Best Practices in Software Development

In the dynamic landscape of software development, where innovation is constant and technological advancements drive progress, effective budgeting is a must. Yet, crafting a budget that […]

A Day in the Life of a Scrum Master

Embracing the Agile mindset has become more than just a buzzword in today’s dynamic work environment. At the heart of this transformative methodology lies a key […]

Holiday Highs and Lows | Navigating the Rollercoaster of Seasonal Travel

Picture this: we were all set for a cozy Christmas vacation: last September booked our flight tickets on and everything seemed fine until the day […]